Comiso (polarization) algorithm

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Comiso (polarization) algorithm

  The Comiso algorithm is explained by [Comiso, 1986]. The algorithm is working directly on satellite measured brightness temperatures, and it uses two channels. The ice concentration is given by [Comiso, 1986]


where is the ice concentration, is the measured brightness temperature, is the water tie-point and is a calculated brightness temperature of ice. Formula 9 can be extended to calculate the multi-year ice fraction:


where is the multi-year ice fraction, and are the multi-year ice and first-year ice tie-points, respectively.
The algorithm can use either the (37V,37H) or the (37V,19V) channels, and in the former case, the algorithm is called polarization based Comiso algorithm (COMPOL).

Tim Flintholm Fink<>
Thu Oct 26 09:07:34 NFT 1995